Arizona Cardinals bold prediction number six:
The state of the Arizona Cardinals’ cornerbacks room is one of the saddest in the NFL. With word of Marco Wilson getting passed up by the likes of Antonio Hamilton is a sign that Wilson is already a bust of a pick.
So the Cardinals need to do whatever it takes to prevent offenses from scorching them to a crisp. That’s why Steve Keim makes the trade for Stephon Gilmore.
Yes, the Colts got him in free agency, but it’s not like they broke the bank for him and made the signing during the initial frenzy of the free agency signing period. Whatever the cost is, the Cardinals should be happy to fulfill for Gilmore.
The Cardinals need experience at the cornerback position and could sign Joe Haden like we’ve asked them to for months if they want a cheaper option. But this will be the next “Keim Time” move that happens for the Cardinals, and boy, do they need it.