Cardinals Not in Super Bowl, However We Still Have Great Commercials

The Arizona Cardinals may not be headed to the Super Bowl this week, however that does not mean I’m not looking forward to the game…or the commercials.  There have already been a couple of leaked commercials this week, including the one above Honda released on Monday.  It involves Matthew Broderick reprising his role as Ferris Bueller.  Bueller.  Bueller.  Bueller.  Kind of has a ring to it, especially if they were taking role at the Super Bowl.  Cardinals.  Cardinals.  Cardinals.  Yeah, they pretty much took the season off much less the Super Bowl.  For the record, I love this commercial.

There is another commercial from Volkswagen. It is a follow-up to last years hit with the kid that played Darth Vader, which was by the way my favorite commercial from last year’s Super Bowl.

So far, not many complaints from me, however, if this is going to be the best that Volkswagen has to offer, I say last year still beats this one. I can’t wait to see all the others.
