7. Why’d the Packers forget to cover Larry Fitzgerald?
Simple. They were all watching Carson Palmer. They were already dreaming of facing Cam Newton and they had a momentary lapse of insanity thinking they were already chasing him. I mean, i can be the only explanation. How does a guy like that….get as open as that?
8. Who is Jeff Janis?
Yes indeed. Who is this guy? I had to look him up. He had two catches all season. Two! Then again, the Cardinals have been known to make stars in the past out of unknowns. I just didn’t expect this Cardinals team to do that. Seven catches on Saturday night was seven more than I needed to see. The last two…that wasn’t Janis. They secretly put Jordy Nelson in his uniform. I’m convinced of it.
9. Who is Jared Abbrederis?
Guys named Jared scare me. Don’t ever ask me this question again.
10. What color is the sky on Rodgers’s home planet?
What color is the sky on Pluto? The furthest planet (and yes, I still call it a planet) from Earth is just about as far in miles as I felt in chances Rodgers had in completing those two passes back to back.
11. Why did Bruce Arians pass on second down?
You don’t know Bruce Arians very well if you are asking this question. Next question.
12. Does Larry Fitzgerald age?
Of course he does. He just gets better with it than most. He’s a step or two slower than 10-12 years ago but still has wheels and is still just 32 years old.
13. How much money changed hands when Arizona didn’t push the 7-point spread?
In my house, none. In the Las Vegas sportsbooks, the odds makers closed up shop and retired in the Bahamas.
14. How hard is it to execute a coin flip?
Have you tried flipping a coin lately? Especially like one bigger than the coaster on my desk that was flipped on Saturday night. It’s extremely difficult…ok, no it’s not. Referee Clete Blakeman couldn’t do that again if he tried a million times.