Our second to the last Power Rankings has the Arizona Cardinals remaining on top
While the rest of the four teams all shifted, the Arizona Cardinals remain at the top of our Power Rankings for a number of reasons. The biggest of which is there just isn’t any quit in this team. Looking at games against the Vikings, the Ravens and the Packers this past Saturday, no matter how the team wins, it finds a way to put themselves in a position to really lace up the shoes and pull out a win.
The rest of the rankings has great teams, all one and two seeds, that could all win this weekend and win the Super Bowl. It may not come down to how great you are, but which great team makes a small mistake. At this point in the season, that’s what we’re playing with, who makes the mistake first, and does the other team capitalize on it.
The Playoff see Heisman Candidates, Winners, first overall picks, college champions, veterans, rookies, and everything in between. This is going to be a great weekend of football, one can only hope for the best Super Bowl possible, and from an entirely biased standpoint, the Cardinals have all the weapons and tools to do so.