We could weigh the pro’s and con’s of the rookies, and that’s what I’m going to do. Harlan Miller seems like a prospect who could be a technician, and he has dominated the small school stage. That’s the con though, he is from a small school.
Brandon Williams is from a big school, but he lacks experience at cornerback. Have we all heard the magic of the third round, supposedly it’s something the Arizona Cardinals are keen on. Brandon Williams is possibly next in line for that magic. He was one of the fastest corners. Teammates rave about his development, why can’t he be next in the third round in his rookie season?
I feel the need at cornerback could be easily solved by a veteran with limited gametime experience. The options? Asa Jackson previously of the Baltimore Ravens (most of his game experience), Shaun Prater who gained a bulk of his game experience from Minnesota, Carrington Lloyd and Cariel Brooks who has 0-to minimum amounts of game experience but has years in the league.
My favorite of the three has to be Shaun Prater, just because I can see his body type (5-9, 190 pounds) and tell he is a press-corner. I look at this season as a possibility, if the Cardinals were giving chances to unknown players, this is the year. I don’t think I should mention Elie Bouka, Trevon Hartfield, or Ronald Zamort, there fighting to just make a team.
That’s it of this segment, tune in when I talk about the next position of need. Leave a comment of who you think could be the cornerback opposite of Patrick Peterson. Signing off birdgang.