2 - D.J. Humphries, OT
D.J. Humphries is another player with a lucrative deal who landed himself on injured reserve in 2022. His current AAV sits at roughly $17.25 million per season until 2025, and while this isn’t anywhere near as much of a hit as Murray’s contract, we still don’t know what Humphries will play like when the games start to count.
He is also entering his ninth season and will turn 30, which could also work against him as the year progresses. If there is any good news regarding Humphries’ contract, it’s that he has a potential out for 2024 if this season is indeed a downer.
Even if the current franchise left tackle returns and reverts to the player he was before his back injury, there will still be two more seasons of uncertainty regarding the Cardinals former first round pick. Overall, I’m calling this contract a high-risk one with a potential high reward if Humphries continues to play at a high level, but right now, it’s tough to call this one a good deal.