has posted up a listing of the key dates for the 2007 Arizona Cardinals……so I thought I would also share them with you so all of you die-harders out there can begin to put in your vacation requests now!! 🙂
July 27: Team reports to Flagstaff
July 29: First practive at NAU (Northern Arizona Univ.), 1-3 pm
Aug 11: Preseason opener @ Oakland, 7 pm
Aug 18: Home preseason opener vs. Houston, 1 pm
Aug 23: Last day of Camp
Sept 10: Season opener @ San Francisco, 7:15 pm
Now trust me, I know that this month almost more than any other month is the most frustrating for fans. I mean, the 27th of July doesn’t seem too far away, but it’s still three weeks!! And we’re tired of talking about the upcoming season! We want some football now and the Arena Football League/CFL games just don’t cut it!! But be patient my friends, just hold on for a little while longer and we’ll get there…….
Mike Duggan