Schein Speaks: NFC West Is Best

Ok, this guy just keeps earning more and more brownie points with me man. And it’s not just because he is willing to say on television, XM radio and in his columns that he likes what the Cards are doing…’s because more than anything it seems to me that he evaluates talent, not popularity. Adam Schein is constantly putting himself out on a limb by picking the Arizona Cardinals as a playoff team in 2007, inviting criticism and mockery from his sports writing bretheren. He doesn’t seem to just make the trendy pick, which is very cool in my opinion.

And in a recent article entitled, No Backing Down From NFC West Pick, he set off another hailstorm by picking the NFC West as the best division in football. I actually wrote a post on this site two months ago that said the exact same thing…..more reasons to love this guy. Click on the link above to read the article, it’s a good read and worth your time.

OH BY THE WAY – a poll was embedded into his article on which asked the question, “Which is the NFL’s most competitive division?” And wouldn’t you know it, the NFC West garnered 41% of the vote, OUT OF 12,103 VOTES! That’s 4841 votes, the next closest division was the NFC East with 17% of the vote for a total of 2058 votes. I guess Adam Schein and me aren’t the only ones who think our division is the most competitive in the league. IN YOUR F@#*ING FACE COWBOYS!!!! Sorry……

Mike Duggan
