A Legend is Lost – Bill Walsh

Today after a long and tough battle with leukemia, former San Francisco 49ers Head Coach, hall of famer and NFL legend Bill Walsh passed away. He was 75 years old. I write this post with a heavy heart, because this man changed the way we play the game of football, he was the quintessential leader on and off the field and has left his mark on the sporting world forever. It does not matter if you are a San Francisco fan or not (and I am the first to admit I am OBVIOUSLY NOT A 49ers FAN)……if you are a football fan, than this means something.

There is hardly a coach out there in the NFL today that isn’t in some way connected to Walsh. Names like Tony Dungy, Mike Holmgren, Denny Green, Steve Marriucci, George Seifert, Andy Reid, Brian Billeck, I mean the list goes on and on. We here at Raisingzona.com send our most heartfelt condolences to the Walsh family today as the football world pauses to remember an NFL Icon: “The Genius”, Bill Walsh.

Click here to read the entire article on FoxSports.com.

Mike Duggan
