In addition to the NFL draft, the month of April will bring the announcement of the full NFL week-by-week schedule–and we will find out exactly what the Arizona Cardinals schedule will look like.
Last year the Arizona Cardinals did not play in any Monday night games; I’m hoping that the scheduling folks will allow for a Cardinals-Niners Monday night game, which I think should be a very interesting matchup this year.
The Cardinals also must play the Patriots and Jets on the East Coast this year, and I’m hoping these games are scheduled in the middle weeks — not at the end of the season or at the beginning of the season. The last time we played the AFC East was in 2008, and the Cardinals got blown out by both the Jets and Pats in away games.
There also will be 13 Thursday night games this coming season, so chances are the Cardinals will play in at least one Thursday night game. The Thursday night games could be a blessing or a curse for the Cardinals–depending on which team they play in the game before and after and who they play in the Thursday night game itself.
The Cardinals schedule is definitely tougher than it was in 2011, but a lot will depend on how these games are spread out … how many home games they play in the first half versus the last half … and other factors. We’ll soon find out how it will all look.