Summing Up the Cardinals Preseason Game Against the Chargers…Painful

Jonathan Copper helped off the field after breaking his leg.

Well fans, what do you want first? The good news our the bad news?

The good news is that our running backs looked pretty well which was a change of pace.

Yes, the good news is that short. Honestly this game almost seemed as bad as the 58-0 loss to the Seahawks last year. For starters the offense really couldn’t do anything. San Diego had Levi Brown spinning like a top, and again Carson and the receivers were on totally different pages. Add a blocked punt early in the first and a chip in field goal by Carpenter goes haywire. Don’t forget the forced fumble that turned into a muffed pitch giving the Chargers a free run at the endzone.

Now for the worst part, the injuries. Mendenhall needs an MRI for his knee, Housler has an ankle sprain, Matt Shaunessey has an ankle injury, Jefferson has a knee injury, Dan Williams hurt his ankle, Roberts hurt his quad, and lastly Jonathon Cooper broke his fibula.

Some of these injuries could be small and quick to heal but the biggest hit is losing Cooper. Just when fans thought that the offensive line was staying to look better, they lose one of the best run blockers.

In my last article I probably seemed very optimistic about our season, after tonight I have a feeling it is going to be a long year.
