Voices Of The Cards That Get Us Thru The Week

There are several radio shows that cover the A

rizona Cardinals, not only the Cardinals but all of the local Arizona sports teams and world wide sports as well. The valley is in good hands and have been for a long time with sports radio coverage. I can name many of these shows but I will narrow it down to the best of the best because these are the one’s I personally listen to, and they have become part of my everyday life, in fact without them I don’t get thru the day sane.

Ok, I get up early in the morning and I head out to work at 7:30 a:m, and I want the latest on all things sports and I tune into the great Arizona sport 620, the time frame of the current show at that time is 6-10. The Doug and Wolf show, a show with an unique twist because of the antics of one ex NFL football player Ron Wolfley and his partner Doug Franz.

These two guys can’t agree on anything, but that is what makes the show enjoyable on top of the good opinions formulated. Trying to guess at what Wolf will say next is an adventure in its self daily for all of his followers, and mainly for his Partner Franz. But this show gets my day going, there is just something about letting out a great yell that gets the cobwebs out in the morning (thanks Wolf).

That show gets me past 10:am and I flip over to fox sports radio 910 and I catch the last 2 hours of the Jay Mohr sports show, which is the funniest show around that covers sports. The show features the well known comedian Jay Mohr, who uniquely adds a comic and hip hop twist to covering sports. Although this show is not Arizona based, it is aired by an Arizona radio station and its worth every second of air time. But you have to be a long time listener to keep up with all of the inside jokes, otherwise you wont know what is going on, took me a few weeks to catch on to the vibe Jay and his crew got going on, it’s awesome.

I have never seen a popular host of a show love his audience as much as Jay Mohr, and its refreshing. He actually follows twitter contestants from his show that have won what he calls “the twitter hat trick” of the day. These people are just regular Joe’s that listen to the show and he takes time to follow them and only them. It’s very different, thats why the show stands out and I’M JACKED UP ABOUT IT!!!! (one of those inside jokes).

My 12- 2pm is covered by lunch and actually doing some work as I await the best Arizona radio show in town.The show starts at 2pm – 6pm on Arizona sports 620, which when I began to listen they were on at 11-2pm. So I was ecstatic of the new time slot adding one more hour at the best part of the day, finishing up my work day. This show is the Burns and Gambo show which features host Dave Burns and the well known John (crazy) Gambadoro.

These two guys have a very good chemistry on air, what makes it so great is that they are just real down to earth family guys that happen to be doing a radio show. Both love sports and it shows thru their radio personalities.Two very different guys with very different backgrounds. One is an Arizona raised college graduate from right here at home, and another a street savvy jock from the tough streets of New York, and just look at the last names and you can just about tell which one is which.

I had the pleasure of speaking briefly with Gambo a few weeks ago while at the Cardinals training camp, I was really shocked to see how easy it was to just walk up to a guy and sit and talk sports, then realize, this is the same funny, tell it like it is, never holding back Gambo that’s on the radio.

The day would not be complete without hearing the pattened “seriously” from Gambo.

If you hear him say that, it means something was said or done that, in his opinion, is so ridiculous that all he can say is “seriously” it’s hilarious.

Gambo has his gripe against a few that he just dont think are any good at their professions, for example :mention one Levi Brown, Tony Romo, Heath Bell, and especially Michael Beasley and it’s over, he goes off. If it were not for his level headed and voice of reason partner Dave Burns who knows what will happen, but Gambo goes off on a vent frequently on these guys and it’s what makes him Gambo. It’s great, who ever thought of putting these two together did a great thing and I hope they never change it.

Burns and Gambo is the show that gives all of Arizona the breaking news that happens currently. When one of the local teams has something go down, wether a trade, a cut, suspension, etc, somehow they give Gambo the scoop, and before anyone else gets the news Gambo is breaking thru the current show, his own show, or simply on twitter to tell all of Arizona the news concerning our teams. How he gets this info I’m sure will remain unknown to all listeners.”a man never tells his sources” Gambo once said on the show.

I just wanted to spend a little time just to say thank you to the guys that make my day, and many others, I’m sure, and without all of these shows covering all things sports, it would be really hard to make it through the day. Thank You guys.
