With several teams introducing new uniforms for the 2020 NFL season, fans in Arizona are beginning to wonder if a new look for the Cardinals is overdue.
The 2020 NFL season has become interesting for other reasons not tied to free agency and the upcoming draft. Teams looking for a little juice this offseason, have found that a uniform change will solicit as much opinion as would any trade or draft pick. For the Arizona Cardinals, the subject has been brought up, and in these crazy times, why not discuss a long-overdue change.
For Cardinals fans, the current look is dated. It’s also one of the least imaginative uniform combinations second only to the Cleveland Browns. While some might say that the Browns have something of an iconic look, by today’s standards, it’s worse than pedestrian. In Arizona, some might make the same argument.
As for the debate and what some fans have posted online, the possibilities are endless. That said, and if the two most recent uniform reveals in Tampa and Atlanta are any indication, missing the mark is easy.
Already, the new Buccaneers uniform has gotten less than impressive reviews, perhaps best categorized to the “meh” column. As for the Falcons, Nike has managed to swing big and miss big. They are remarkably hideous.
For our team.
— Atlanta Falcons (@AtlantaFalcons) April 8, 2020
Our fans.
⁰Our city. pic.twitter.com/15e5ZX6EtE
Nike, which takes everything it touches and makes it worse, continues to generate looks akin to Arena League Football and the Universality of Oregon, who sport the worst uniforms on the planet. With new unis due to come online for the Los Angeles Rams and the Browns this spring, one can only imagine the dumpster fires yet to be showcased.
Which brings us back to the Cardinals. Already quarterback Kyler Murray has expressed his dislike for the uniform currently in use. Arizona fans, who seem primed for a new look, should be the ones who design and vote on the change, color scheme, and any logo alterations that might be possible.
Which is a long way in saying that the Cardinals organization should not allow Nike designers to create another train wreck. Arizona needs to only look so far as Los Angeles who has found itself in a logo controversy with fans making a point to voice tremendous displeasure.
The NFL has something of a draconian approach to uniform changes, meaning whatever fervor that might exist for a new Cardinals uniform, would be met with a lengthy wait. By then, Murray will be a savvy NFL veteran, Larry Fitzgerald will likely be comfortably in retirement, and fans in Tampa will still be waiting on the creamsicle uniforms. Which is why organizations should listen to what the fanbase wants, and not what Nike says they should wear.