Cardinals owner shows recklessness with recent extensions

(Photo by Steph Chambers/Getty Images) Michael Bidwill
(Photo by Steph Chambers/Getty Images) Michael Bidwill /

Arizona Cardinals owner Michael Bidwill is singing a different tune just over a month after he reportedly held a “tense meeting” with head coach Kliff Kingsbury. 

Last Wednesday, Arizona Cardinals owner Michael Bidwill signed head coach Kliff Kingsbury and general manager Steve Keim to contract extensions through the 2027 season.

Now, this does not mean that the duo will remain with the Cardinals from now until Super Bowl LXII, but the extensions show a complete 180 over Bidwill’s initial reactions after the San Francisco 49ers were slated to face off with the Los Angeles Rams in the NFC Championship.

While there were conflicting reports regarding whether a meeting occurred, with sports betting journalist and former team reporter Kyle Odegard claiming a meeting had taken place while NFL Network’s Ian Rappaport said otherwise via Twitter, the mass media reported Bidwill’s disappointment in the way things ended for the team.

Meanwhile, Kent Somers of AZ Central Sports neither confirmed nor denied the meeting took place, but he confirmed Bidwill’s “displeasure” with Keim and Kingsbury.

Recent extensions are latest example of recklessness by Arizona Cardinals

Kingsbury, who is 19-43 during the second half of his previous nine seasons dating back to his days at Texas Tech, has yet to prove he’s the guy after three years with the team.

Sure, his record has improved by three games each season, but one cannot ignore the fact he lost seven out of his last nine games in 2019, five of his last seven in 2020, and five of his last six in 2021.

Knowing this, and voicing his disappointment and displeasure with Keim and Kingsbury not even 40 days ago, Bidwill thought a five-year extension was necessary.

A contract extension alone for Keim and Kingsbury would have raised eyebrows, considering Bidwill’s previous comments. But a five-year extension, even if Bidwill were happy with the improvements in the team’s record, is far too much.

So, what’s Bidwill playing at? We know he had discussions with the duo, which he described as “productive.” But were they so productive that they warranted five-year contract extensions?

As mentioned earlier, coaches and executives rarely last so long in this league. So if they flame out again next year and Bidwill pulls another 180 by showing them a pink slip, he’s going to end up dishing out millions of dollars for this premature extension.

If there’s one word to describe Bidwill, it’s recklessness. Something synonymous with the Bidwill family.

Reckless for hiring the polarizing Buddy Ryan back in 1994 after the guy threw a punch at Kevin Gilbride just months prior. Reckless for signing an aging running back well past his prime in 2004 to (presumably) sell tickets. And this extension is the latest sign of recklessness since Bill Bidwill took over the team in 1962.

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