Interview With a Bucs Blogger


With this weekend’s matchup pitting our Arizona Cardinals against the Tampa Bay Bucs, I thought I would seek a new opinion on what I consider to be a must win game for the Cards on Sunday. So I interviewed my fellow network writer, Dustin Staggers, for a little inside info. Dustin (pictured on the right) is the lead writer for our network’s Bucs blog page, The Pewter Plank. Here’s what I had to ask him and what he had to say:

Q: What do you think is the Bucs greatest team strength? Defense, offense, or special teams?

A: I would honestly say that all facets of our team right now need a lot of work. If I had to choose them in order it would be defense, offense, then our abysmal special teams. Defensively we have a lot of depth, and have not been as decimated as our offense injury wise. Our defensive line needs to start getting to the QB a bit more though, as our defense is predicated on that pressure.

Q: What did Jacksonville do differently than any other team so far to force Jeff Garcia into 3 interceptions when he hadn’t thrown one all year?

A: I’ll only count 2 interceptions that I can put on Garcia from last week. The last play of the game was kind of flukey, and Ike probably should have caught the ball. I think though it has been a progression of our offense not taking the chances down the field that are necessary to keep the defenses honest. Aaron Glenn took advantage of the dink and dunk style we have been running lately and just jumped on a Garcia pass. Garcia and Jon Gruden started opening up the field a bit more as the game progressed last week, so hopefully we can keep the D’s of other teams a little more honest.

Q: Do you think Michael Bennett is ready to fill the shoes of Cadillac Williams for this season?

A: No. That might seem kind of blunt, but Cadillac is a much more versatile back running the ball than Bennett is. Our offense is complicated, although at times it might not appear that way, and I think it will more towards the end of the season for Bennett to become fully integrated into the offense.

Q: I know you’re picking the Bucs on Sunday, but what will be the difference maker in your mind that gets you guys the win?

A: Home field advantage baby!! We should be undefeated at home suffering only one loss last week, in a game that was very winnable.

Interesting answers to say the least, but always great to get a different perspective on your opponent. And Likewise, he had some questions for me. Head over to the Bucs Blog page to read more, but you know I think we’re winning this one.


Mike Duggan