How The West Will Be Won


For two weeks now, the Cardinals couldn’t find the front door.  The back door has been stuck.  Every window shut.  You figure they have been playing in a boarded up house.  This week, they need to come home and just be themselves (the 2008 mid-season version of).  Open things up.  Get back to what got you here.  That means a couple of things.

No turnovers.  I know it’s the Rams, but the Rams still play as an NFL team(although that is debatable) and any team, given freebies, will make you pay for mistakes.

Limit penalties.  This actually was an area they didn’t find themselves in trouble in on Thursday night in Philadelphia.  However, they need to continue that.  Again, don’t give the Rams any hope of winning.

It’s really the same old story.  Get the job done.  You can’t expect to get in through the back door.  If the Cards can’t win on Sunday, then they honestly don’t deserve to be in the playoffs, even though it’s going to take a minor miracle for the 49ers to overtake them ( I say minor, because hey, it’s the Cardinals – anything can, and usually does, happen).

Go Cards!

Scott Allen
