Pay The Man


Recession.  Forget about it, just pay the man!  As of 10pm this evening, Kurt Warner will officially be a free agent.  The Arizona Cardinals don’t want to pay Warner the extra $4 million he is asking for.  The Cardinals want to give him $10 million per year.  Warner is believed to be asking for $14 million a season.  Now, in general, I’m not one that believes that just because a player asks for money, he should get it, even if he deserves it.

This is different though.  Warner has just taken this team to the Super Bowl for the first time ever.  What are the Cardinals saving for?  If they don’t come to an agreement I can only believe the Cards are ready to go with Matt Leinart and in the process probably alienating many fans who jumped on the support wagon over the past two months.

There are Leinart fans out there and I still think he can do well in the NFL and even for this team, however if Warner is going to return, doesn’t it just have to be Arizona?  I would have thought so.  Until this week.  Doubt is creeping in.  There will be other offers.  They only thing we can do know is hope and wait.

Scott Allen