I follow Arizona Cardinals defensive tackle Darnell Dockett on Twitter. He goes by ddockett for all of you who care.
This week he created a stir when he was dared to take a shower on another form of social media, Ustream. Did he do it? Sure he did. Darnell Dockett has never been one to really care what others think of him. You see that attitude both on and off the field with him. When I heard on the Scott Van Pelt show on ESPN Radio yesterday about him taking this dare, my initial thought was “Wow!” As I thought a little harder though, I thought it wasn’t really a big deal because that is who he is. He always pushes the envelope, especially on Twitter. If you follow him, you know what I am talking about.
The only group of people I would worry about are the kids that might follow him. Then again, if you are a parent, why are you letting your child on Twitter in the first place? I’m not so surprised this was “news” given the fact that it is the off season and after OTA’s we will go dark for the most part before training camp in a couple of months, but it was just amazing to me this happened to be a topic on ESPN Radio, on the day after the Boston Celtics eliminated Lebron James and the Cleveland Cavs, the day that the Boston Bruins were about to be taken out of the Stanley Cup Playoffs after taking a 3-0 lead, one day before the second leg of the triple crown of horse racing, and a ton of baseball. Instead, we are talking Darnell Dockett tweets. Sure, it came up during an interview with Philadelphia Eagles tight end Brent Celek, but still, let’s just talk sports!
Scott Allen