Annual Movie Day at Training Camp

When the Arizona Cardinals announced that this morning’s practice, scheduled for 9 am, was closed to the public and to the media, I knew something was up.  It’s unusual for the Cards to keep the media out.  Turns out, today was movie day, an annual coach Ken Whisenhunt training camp tradition.

Players had the choice of seeing The Expendables, Inception, Scott Pilgrim Versus the World, and The Other Guys.  I’ve not seen any of the four, although my wife has seen Inception and says you really have to pay attention.  We are going to see The Other Guys on Friday.  I hear The Expendables is great action, but low on acting.  Word From The Birds Blog on repotted that coach Whiz saw The Expendables.  Not a huge surprise there.

I am more of a comedy guy so I would have chose The Other Guys.  I would love to hear how many took that option.  This annual tradition is one of my favorites.  It tells me what a great players coach Whiz is.  Even after a poor performance on Saturday, he still found time to treat his team to the morning off at the movies.  I love it.  This is part of the reason he is the best coach in the NFL!
