If Cards Are Smart, They Will Not Pick Up Phone For Moss

With the Arizona Cardinals possibly looking for a number two receiver and having lost out on free agents Braylon Edwards and Malcolm Floyd, the attention turns to who else it out there.  Today, the name Randy Moss popped up.  All I can say to the Cardinals is, please resist the idea of putting out a feeler on him,  I’d rather take my chances with the current core of players.

I have a lot of reasons for this, namely:

1. He’s too expensive.  Save the money for Larry Fitzgerald.

2. He’s a distraction

3. How much can you trust a guy that swung between three teams in one season?

4. His production is down

5. He is selfish

Do I need to go on?  Now, I realize the guy is probably making the NFL Hall Of Fame for what he did on the field (certainly not off).  However he is not worth the headache he will bring to the team for all the reasons above.  Moss will be more trouble than he is worth.  I mentioned his production.  That’s what it really all boils down too.  There is a reason he jumped from team to team in 2010.  He wasn’t producing.

Randy Moss was not only NOT producing but he was dogging it.  He gave up on his teams.  What did he care?  He was getting paid either way.  For all these reasons Moss is such a wrong direction for the Cardinals.  If you thought the Cards might have to deal with issues if they picked up Edwards, all that is nothing to what you would end up with were the Cards to pick Moss up.

Resist the urge Cardinals.
