Arizona Cardinals was made today, adding to their secondary depth by adding seven-y..."/> Arizona Cardinals was made today, adding to their secondary depth by adding seven-y..."/>

Arizona Cardinals Sign James Sanders


Yet another “quiet” move for the Arizona Cardinals was made today, adding to their secondary depth by adding seven-year veteran James Sanders in free agency Thursday.  Sanders, who tweeted on Wednesday the deal was done, played for the Atlanta Falcons last season, coming over from the New England Patriots.

Sanders, who was drafted by the Patriots in 2005, has started 50 of the 84 career games he has played in.  The best thing you can probably say about this signing is that it will add depth.  The Cards have been all about adding depth at need positions.  I’m not sure they’ve gone out and gotten the best players, far from it, but they have signed serviceable players who will now have a chance to get full-time starting jobs.

Most likely this spells the end of the line for Hamza Abdullah with the Cardinals.  It could also mean the end for Rashad Johnson, however there is an offer out there for him.

This ends up being just another move, in my opinion, to appease the fan base.  They can go out now and say “we did something” in free agency.  Sometimes you can add by subtraction.  They’ve failed to do that.  Sanders isn’t a bad move by any stretch.  However it just seems as if the Cards haven’t tried very hard and now are stuck with middle tier guys at best who are left in the free agency pool.  Maybe the move pans out?  We shall see.