Possible Arizona Cardinals Could Face Choice of Floyd vs. Blackmon


With only five days until the first round of the NFL Draft, there are still many questions as to how the first round will play out.  It is a wide open field this year.  Most of the teams in the top 15 have multiple needs.  Not every team has the philosophy of taking the need over best available.  Ask the Arizona Cardinals.  They did just that in 2006 when they drafted Matt Leinart.  So, with wide receiver as one of the greater needs for the Cards, it seems more and more likely that wide receiver Justin Blackmon could be available at 13 for the Cards.  Would they take they best available WR, which I think it still him, or do they take what works better in their system, someone like Michael Floyd, and their philosophy given Blackmon’s off the field issues?

More and more mock drafts I see Blackmon dropping further and further.  I’m in the middle of a mock draft with a person representing each team in the first round right now and we made it to the 14th pick and Blackmon hasn’t been selected yet.  I passed him up in favor of Floyd.  I think in the long run Blackmon’s skills are better overall, but he could end up being more of a headache for the Cards than Floyd ever would be.

The Cards have always been shy in selecting players with off the field issues and personally I don’t blame them.  In the end, it rarely pays off to take someone with great skills.  Skills are nice and all, but if off the field issues continue to arise, that player won’t see the field anyway.  It will be interesting to see if faced with that possibility, what the Cards would do.  I still say Floyd.