After the 2010 season, Arizona Cardinals fans debated among ..."/> After the 2010 season, Arizona Cardinals fans debated among ..."/>

Wells or Hightower: Who Will Have the Better Season in 2012?

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The Cardinals answered that question before the 2011 season by drafting Ryan Williams, and trading Hightower to the Washington Redskins, making Wells the premier running back on the team.  Ironically, after a promising start, it was Hightower who fell to an injury after five games, and he never was able to show the explosiveness that he displayed for the Cardinals a year before.  And equally ironic, it was the oft-injured Wells who stayed relatively healthy and started 14 games for the Cardinals, scoring 10 touchdowns.  It was also interesting that Wells broke free for several Hightower-type long gallops and had more yards per carry than Hightower (4.3 vs 3.8).

Now the 2012 season is almost here, and it will be very interesting to see how these two runners perform for their respective teams.  Will Hightower stay healthy this year, and display the talent that he clearly possesses for an entire year?  Can he hold on to the ball? Can Wells have the breakout year that everyone feels he potentially can have?

Who do you think will have more yards gained in 2012, Hightower or Wells?  Who do you think will have more TDs?  And who do you think will have more yards per carry?  Leave your answers in the comments section.