We are just three days into training camp for the Arizona Cardinals and already it is time once again for the Cards Red-White scrimmage on Saturday morning. If you are going and you’ve never been for the scrimmage before, beware and bring patience. There will be A LOT of people there. Go early to find your parking and your spot on the sidelines. Scrimmage starts at 11:30 but the autograph session with players is from 10:45-11:15.
It really is quite a spectacle. With the combination of a new season, the Cards, and being in Flagstaff on a hot summer day in Phoenix, it is a recipe for chaos and that is exactly what it is. For that reason, I choose not to go. Last time I went to the scrimmage was in 2008. I vowed not to go again until my son grew up a little. He was one at the time and it is a tough place to maneuver a stroller if you have one. It is hard enough to maneuver as an adult.
Don’t get me wrong, it is a blast to watch the action and if large crowds in small spaces is your thing, please go out and have a great time. I just like to offer the warning if you’ve never been. If you have been, you know what I am talking about. Personally, I would be more comfortable finding a mid-week practice where the crowds are a lot lower and you still get to see some action.
If you are going up this weekend please remember the team does not have any scheduled practices on Sunday, so tomorrow is your only chance to see them during the weekend. Next practice after tomorrow will be Monday at 9:00 am. Have fun if you go. Let us know if you do and take pictures. It may not be my style to be in the large cramped crowd but that doesn’t mean everyone has that same experience.