Cardinals And Their Fan-Base Would Disagree With Jaworski Comments


The 8-1 Arizona Cardinals and their fan-base would truly respectfully disagree with the comments of NFL analyst Ron Jaworski, who made comment as to why he thinks that the Cardinals cannot win the super-bowl with Drew Stanton at the helm.

The popular local radio show in Arizona “The Burns and Gambo Show” of Arizona sports 98.7 FM, had Jaws come on the show and explain his comments to the valley wide fans. According to Jaws “I’m just being realistic” and we as fans are fooling ourselves to think that this is even at all possible.

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Jaws is a great analyst, but every great analyst can be wrong sometime. Remember this is the same analyst that predicted “I truly believe Colin Kaepernick could be one of the greatest quarterbacks ever” and we all are watching how far that is from being accurate. Not to bring up Jaws wrongs to exploit him at all, but to remind him that sometimes even the greatest can make mistakes.

Drew Stanton is more than capable to get this team to a Super-bowl for a number of reason. First and foremost the Cardinals do not rely solely on the quarterback to win games. Carson Palmer was great but it was more credit to the system than anything else that made him shine. The coaches with the experience in fixing quarterbacks has fixed Palmer and also Stanton to work specifically in their system.

Part of the Cardinals winning formula has been “limit turnovers” Stanton,like Plamer takes care of the ball, having not thrown an interception this season. Although, he has not played the last five weeks, but Palmer’s turnover ratio was a product of the system and Drew should be put in position to continue that. Every back-up quarterback that has won a super-bowl in the past was also a product to a system, and won that big game with other dynamic elements apart from the quarterback being great.

Another thing that jaws even agreed on is that Stanton may not have the experience as Palmer, but he brings an element that Palmer didn’t have and that’s mobility. Guarantee his mobility is in the minds of the opponent, whereas that was never the case with Palmer.

Comparing the two completion percentages is almost unfair to Stanton, as the team had gone through a few weeks of the drops when he played earlier in the season. Some of those drops were crucial third down drive stalling drops that took potential points off the board.

The offense may be primed and ready to break out at some point before the end of this regular season, being able to put all elements together at the same time. Maybe they will at the right time, near the end of the season going into the playoffs. Currently the offense has yet to even put together back to back touchdown drives.

Jaws says that Stanton’s deep ball is not as good as Palmers and that may be true, but in camp this year we saw Stanton be the only one at times that could hit rookie John Brown in stride without over-throwing him. Drew’s timing and chemistry with the electric rookie has been better in games and in practice on the deep ball.

Bottom line is, the defense, special-teams, Andre Ellington element, and a no quit attitude, and taking care of the ball would all have to totally collapse to say they have no chance of winning a super-bowl. And let’s not forget my last article where it was said that this team has that secrete element working in their favor and that’s the “special element” that just can’t be explained. Respectfully, Jaws will be wrong on this one, and to his credit he has been one to come back and admit to a bad call here and there. Should he be correct, we will have to recant this article and wait until next year for another chance.