Arizona Cardinals: Bruce Arians Laughs At Experts


The Arizona Cardinals (11-3) will take on the Seattle Seahawks (10-4) on Sunday night with Ryan Lindley at quarterback

All season the NFL “experts” have been picking against the Arizona Cardinals.  Whether it is Carson Palmer or Drew Stanton or now Ryan Lindley, very few people outside of Arizona respect their record and what they’ve done.  This week is no different as 7.5 point underdogs to the Seattle Seahawks thanks to people’s perception of Ryan Lindley.

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People see stats and take them for face value.  Yes, we know Lindley has never thrown an NFL touchdown pass and is tied with Jimmy Clausen for most pass attempts without a touchdown pass.  What people don’t look at is the film and see just how he got to this point.

Oh sure, Lindley makes us all nervous at times.  There are times he throws the ball and it makes your cringe.  There is no disputing that.  Last week he actually threw the ball fairly well.  There was only one ball I would consider poorly thrown and that one was almost picked off.  However if Bruce Arians trusts him, then so do I.

Some might say he has to support him publicly and he thinks differently privately.  Well yes, if Drew Stanton was healthy, he’s the starter.  Lindley is in his third year now though.  He has a better supporting cast this time around than he did when he last started in 2012.

Arians laughed at the notion the Cardinals are no good now with Lindley.  I laugh right along with him.  Per he said he found comments by people in the league and media to be funny.

"It’s funny how all that works out. We went into a place where St. Louis had beaten Denver, Seattle, had San Francisco on the ropes. We win and it’s, ‘You guys aren’t any good. You don’t have a quarterback.’ But (we’re) still the No. 1 team in the NFL."

That says it all.  People only want to take a look at the surface and make a judgement based on personnel.  How about you take a look what Arizona is accomplishing playing their fourth quarterback this season.  I’m not saying Lindley is a world beater and I’m not even saying the Cardinals will beat the Seahawks.  But you have to give them a great chance at winning at home even with as great as Seattle is playing.  In Bruce I trust.