Kurt Warner Confirmed for DWTS

Kurt Warner was really never known to be fleet of foot on the football field.  Apparently, he’s hoping he will on the dance floor.  Just announced officially a little while ago was the former Arizona Cardinals quarterback as a contestant on Dancing With The Stars.

The rumors has been out there for weeks that Warner was going to be on the ABC hit show.  Over the past few days though, a lot of rumors didn’t include him on the list, so we were left wondering if it would really happen for him or not?  Well, now we know.  He will not be the first NFL player on the show, however will be the first quarterback to appear.

Warner is appearing with “The Situation” from Jersey Shore, Michael Bolton, Kyle Massey, David Hasselhoff, and Rick Fox on the men’s side.  The women include Jennifer Grey, Margaret Cho, Florence Henderson, Bristol Palin, Audrina Patridge, and Brandy.

So who is your pick to win it all?  I think Brandy and Florence Henderson will be the final two women.  As for the men, my money is on David Hasselhoff and The Situation.  Michael Bolton and Margaret Cho are my dark horses.
