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10 Reasons Why Carson Palmer is Not Right for the Arizona Cardinals


I just read over on Arizonasports.com that Sporting News thinks Carson Palmer is worth a first rounder in a trade.  I about fell out of my seat.  Apparently Sporting News is either in the back pocket of Palmer or they just don't know what they are talking about. I sure hope the Arizona Cardinals don't waste a first rounder on him.

Palmer is another serviceable quarterback.  He is definitely better than Derek Anderson, but there is a reason why Palmer has only gotten his team to the playoffs twice.  Yeah yeah, sure the supporting cast has been a joke at times, but you can only blame it on that reason for so long.  I see Palmer as a middle of the pack quarterback.  I just don't think Palmer is right for the Cards, especially at the price he might come at.

Here are my top 10 reasons why I think Palmer should not be an Arizona Cardinal:

1. He went to USC.  We've done the USC quarterback thing.  That didn't work out.

2. He is demanding a trade out of Cincinnati or he'll retire.  I really don't want a quarterback that decides to hold a franchise hostage like that.

3. Can you really trust a guy named Carson?

4. His brother Jordan might be better, but paid less, so he sits.  Ok lame reason, but you can tell I really don't want Palmer.

5. He will come at too high a price.  Any team that gives up a first round pick for him has just set their franchise back 10 years.

6. He has trouble getting along with his receivers.  Sure, he's worked with some troublemakers, but as the quarterback and leader of your team, you must work past all that stuff.  He has seemed incapable of doing that.

7. Kevin Kolb

8. Kyle Orton - I will put a disclaimer here.  Yes, I knocked Orton a couple of weeks ago and no he hasn't won anything either, but I think the future upside is greater with Orton.

9. He is Jake Plummer all over again.  He will throw a lot of touchdowns, but then he will break your heart with tons of interceptions as well.

10. Cincy isn't trading him anyway.  So let's move on.