NFL Short Season Backup Plan

So the NFL has a backup plan just in case there is an agreement, but too late to save an entire season.  Apparently 8 is enough.  Oh boy.  I'm not sure 8 is a good number to be playing with.  Usually I am in the something is better than nothing camp, but in this case, I think I'd choose nothing, even with as much as I would like to see some NFL football.

Having only 8 games in my mind cheapens the season.  So, what happens if a team, say like the Arizona Cardinals, go like 6-2, make the playoffs and then somehow win it all.  Every armchair quarterback fan will say "Oh sure, you can only win on an 8 game schedule".  I think it cheapens the whole deal, especially for those franchises that are still searching for their first title.

I say at least 12, but of course I want 16.  I'm in the camp if you can't play them all, don't play at all, but I guess I could survive with no less than 12.  However by doing that, you lose out on a couple of games at home.  There definitely should be some kind of season ticket discount if that happens.  I am glad however that it seems like the NFL is thinking ahead.  Hopefully they use some common sense though.
